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Material analysis/XRF analysis
XRF analysers are used to determine chemical elements in materials or to identify the alloy of a sample. The ability to use an on-site analyser that delivers results virtually as good as a laboratory allows samples to be analysed that would otherwise be too large, too bulky and too expensive to send to the laboratory. On-site analysis also provides real-time information for rapid decision-making.
Handheld XRF analysers can measure chemical elements from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U). You can point a handheld XRF analyser at almost anything and get a result. Common applications include scrap metal sorting, alloy identification, quality control (QC) in metal manufacturing, geological exploration and mining. XRF can be used to test many industrial materials, such as cement or coal, as well as household materials, such as jewellery, paints and consumer goods.
QA Measurement Technicians, Dongguan